Become a Brunswick in Bloom Sponsor
Want to support a great organization while promoting your company’s commitment to our community? Choose your sponsorship level below!
Call us at 721-9277 ext. 205 to discuss options.
Sponsorship Levels

Lupine Sponsors - $2,000
Be one of our nine exclusive garden sponsors! Hundreds of garden tour participants will view your business name and logo as they enter the garden in addition to seeing your information in the Garden Tour Guide.
Other benefits include:
- Personalized yard sign at the garden entrance with your business name and logo
- Your business name and in the digital and print Garden Tour Guide
- Your business name and logo on printed posters
- Inclusion in press releases
- At least two spotlights and links to your website on the Oasis website, social media, and electronic newsletters
- Introduction as a Lupine Sponsor at the Garden Party Celebration
- 4 complimentary Garden Tour tickets

Lavender Sponsors - $1,000
- Your business name and in the digital and print Garden Tour Guide
- Your business name and logo on printed posters
- At least one spotlight and link to your website on the Oasis website, social media, and
electronic newsletters - Introduction as a Lavender Sponsor at the Garden Party celebration
- 2 complimentary Garden Tour tickets

Lily Sponsors - $500
- Your business name and in the digital and print Garden Tour Guide
- Your business name and logo on printed posters
- A link to your website on the Garden Tour website
- 2 complimentary Garden Tour tickets

Daisy Sponsors - $250
- Your business name and in the digital and print Garden Tour Guide
- A link to your website on the Garden Tour website
- 1 complimentary Garden Tour tickets

Phone: 207-721-9277
WhatsApp: 207-449-7215
Fax: 207-729-1368
TAX ID: 01-0497587
Sign up for our e-newsletter and stay connected with Oasis.
331 Maine Street, Suite 4, Brunswick, ME 04011