Become a Brunswick in Bloom Sponsor
Want to support a great organization while promoting your company’s commitment to our community? Choose your sponsorship level below!
Call us at 721-9277 ext. 205 to discuss options.
Sponsorship Levels

Build-A-Bouquet Sponsor - $7,500
New this year! We’re excited to offer a unique opportunity to become a sponsor for our interactive Build-A-Bouquet Station at this year’s Garden Tour! This hands-on experience allows visitors to create their own personalized floral arrangements, celebrating the beauty of nature in a fun and engaging way.
Exclusive recognition as the Bouquet-A-Bouquet Sponsor, including “Brunswick in Bloom Build-A-Bouquet by [Your Company Name]” on all marketing materials, including posters, garden guide, flyers, and website.
- Opportunity to have branded info on Build-A-Bouquet Station materials (vases, etc.)
- Opportunity to have your organization represented at the Bouquet Bar.
- Prominent logo placement on all event signage.
- Recognition in press releases and featured social media posts.
- Opportunity to have branded info on Build-A-Bouquet materials (vases, etc.)
- Opportunity to have your organization represented at the Build-A-Bouquet Station.
- Ten complimentary Garden Tour and Build-A-Bouquet tickets.
- Recognition during the Garden Party opening remarks.

Lupine Presenting Sponsor - $5,000
- Premier recognition as a Lupine Presenting Sponsor, including “Brunswick in Bloom
- Presented by [Your Company Name]” on all marketing materials, including posters, garden guide, flyers, and website.
- Prominent logo placement on all event signage and at the entrance of 8 gardens.
- Recognition in press releases and featured social media posts.
- Opportunity to provide branded materials (brochures, giveaways) to attendees.
- Eight complimentary Garden Tour and Build-A-Bouquet tickets.
- Recognition during the Garden Party opening remarks.

Lilac Sponsor - $2,500
- Prominent logo placement on all marketing materials, including posters, garden guide, flyers, and website.
- Company mentioned in select press releases and social media posts.
- Company listed as a Lilac Sponsor on event signage and materials.
- Opportunity to include branded items (brochures, giveaways) for attendees.
- Six complimentary Garden Tour and Build-A-Bouquet tickets.
- Recognition during the Garden Party opening remarks.
- Logo placement on yard sign at each garden entrance.

Lavender Sponsor - $1,000
Logo included on all marketing materials, including posters, garden guide, flyers,and website.
Company mentioned in select social media posts.
Company listed as a Lavender Sponsor on event signage and materials.
Opportunity to provide branded materials (brochures, giveaways) to attendees.
Four complimentary Garden Tour tickets.
Mention in event email newsletters.

Lily Sponsors - $500
Logo included on all marketing materials, including posters, garden guide, flyers, and website.
Two complimentary Garden Tour tickets.
Company listed as a Lily Sponsor on event signage and materials.

Lamb's Ear Sponsor - $250
Logo included on website and garden guide.
One complimentary Garden Tour ticket.
Mention on social media as a Lamb’s Ear Sponsor.

Phone: 207-721-9277
WhatsApp: 207-449-7215
Fax: 207-729-1368
TAX ID: 01-0497587
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331 Maine Street, Suite 4, Brunswick, ME 04011